Paradise Transit

It happens hundreds of times a week – a customer receives a ride from Paradise Transit - but each ride is unforgettable.
We have been providing safe and reliable transportation for the students of West Chester University since January 2010. Although safety is our #1 goal, it doesnt mean we cant have fun…right? Paradise Transit is just what you need to start and end your evening in style! Continue Reading...


Drinking and Driving Facts

  • 1You are impaired after 1 drink, and are over the legal limit to operate a motor vehicle (.08 BAC)
  • 2Each year 1,500,000 people are arrested for drunk driving in the United States.
  • 3This year, 10,839 people will die in drunk-driving crashes - one every 50 minutes.
  • 4An average drunk driver has driven drunk 87 times before their first arrest.
  • 5One in three people will be involved in an alcohol-related crash in their lifetime.
  • 6Every minute, one person is injured from an alcohol-related crash.
  • 7Teen alcohol use kills about 6000 people each year, more than all illegal drugs combined.

Of fatal accidents

  • 8Most alcohol-related crashes happened at night, usually during the weekends
    (72 percent)
  • 9For drivers ages 21 to 25...
    44 percent of drivers killed had been drinking.
  • 10In 2009, 32 percent involved alcohol-impaired drivers. Visit For More Info:
Choose Paradise Transit for a safe ride home tonight. Don't risk it! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride! Make the smartest decision of the night:

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